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The 27th Budapest Nephrology School Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis, Transplantation, Nephropathology 28 August – 2 September, 2023

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2023.05.17.


Dear Colleague, Budapest Nephrology School is a one-week, English speaking, internationally recognized, CME refresher nephrology course which has been organized by the Hungarian Kidney Foundation at the Semmelweis University for the past 26 years, under the auspices of ERA-EDTA, RPS, IFKF ISP and earlier support from the ISN. The School published a book titled “Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation” edited by T. Andreoli, E. Ritz and L. Rosivall. The 5rd new edition of the book has just appeared as an e-book and will be printed soon. During this one-week program, our distinguished international speakers provide updates in nephrology, hypertension, dialysis and transplantation. We cover the field from molecule to bedside, from the most recent scientific advances to the current clinical approaches. Workshops provide the possibility for close interaction with the faculty in small groups. Participants are encouraged to present their posters, raise questions and consult other colleagues on problematic cases. Programs are also arranged to visit quality dialysis and research units. The Budapest Nephrology School has always kept high standards and performed successfully with international positive feedbacks. So far doctors from 68 countries have attended the school. Our success is reflected by the increasing number of participants who have repeatedly attended the school. We believe that this is a unique opportunity for our colleagues to spend some time in Budapest and while enjoying the cultural, architectural, social, historical beauties and the special Hungarian hospitality of a thousand years old country, meet with colleagues worldwide and get the refresher in the field from the best. The 27th Budapest Nephrology School is held in conjunction with the 18th International Symposium on Wine and Health and the 18th World Kidney Day celebration. Looking forward to seeing you in Budapest soon. More details, program and online registration: https://bns-hungary.hu/ Sincerely yours, László Rosivall, MD, PhD, DSc President Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathophysiology International Nephrology Research & Training Center